Book Fair in the Library

Our Scholastic Book Fair will take place between Thursday 31st March and Wednesday 6th April.
The Book Fair will be open to all during breaks and lunchtimes. Students will be able to use their £1 World Book Day token towards the price of any book worth £2.99 and above.
Each book purchased from the book fair counts towards the school library getting book commission in return, so we thank you in advance for supporting the fair.
Please find below more information about the book selection available to purchase (there will also be novelty stationery) as well as how to pay for items.
You can have a look at some of the available titles here.
- pay by cash at the fair
You can also pay using two different online methods:
- purchase book fair gift vouchers
This allows students to purchase books without bringing money into school and parents to control their spending.
You can purchase book fair gift vouchers here.
Once purchased, you will receive the voucher in an email which can then be printed and brought to the fair for payment.
Vouchers can be purchased up until midnight on the day before the collection of the Book Fair (6th April).
- pay for items students have written on their wish list using the online payment system.
If you use this method, please make sure your child return the wishlist with the transaction details and books ordered to the library so we can allocate their books to them.
Any questions, please email .