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Information for Visitors and Contractors

Headteacher: Ms Louise Blundell

Telephone number: 01275 842606

First Aider/Student Centre: ext. 456

Main Reception: ext. 0

Please read this information carefully and have a safe visit to the school.


Whilst on the school premises all visitors and contractors must wear an identification ID and the relevant coloured lanyard clearly at all times, returning it to main reception when signing out.

Gordano School is committed to the highest possible standards in protecting and safeguarding the students entrusted to our care.

Our school will support students by:

  • Promoting a caring, safe and positive environment within the school
  • Encouraging self-esteem and self-assertiveness
  • Effectively tackling bullying and harassment
  • Ensuring that Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks are carried out on all who regularly deal directly with students or have access to their personal information
  • Recruiting in line with guidance and safe practices
  • Working to promote a safe culture where there is a common understanding of risk management and judgement in relation to safeguarding
  • Ensuring allegations are dealt with quickly, fairly and with transparency and staff operate safe practice that does not leave them open to misunderstandings or malicious allegations
  • Providing staff with the necessary training to recognise concerns about children and take responsibility for acting quickly on those concerns
  • Communicating child protection procedures to all staff, parents and visitors

We recognise that some students may be the victims of abuse. Staff working with students are well-placed to identify such abuse and to support them (together with external agencies) in addressing the issues they face.

In order to protect our students at Gordano School we aim to:

  • Create an atmosphere where all our students can feel secure, valued and listened to
  • Recognise signs and symptoms of abuse
  • Respond quickly, appropriately and effectively to cases of suspected abuse

If you have a concern that a student is being harmed, is at risk of harm, or you receive a disclosure (i.e. a student talks to you intentionally or unintentionally and tells you confidential information) whilst you are on Gordano School grounds, you must contact the following staff member as quickly as possible via the main school reception:

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) – Ms Jeanne Fairs (Assistant Headteacher)

If this person is not available, please contact one of the following: 

Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Natalie Tester

Child Protection Officers - Assistant Heads of House, Mrs Charlotte Thomas (Assistant Headteacher) or Johnny Mailey, Strategic Safeguarding Lead

Everyone working with our students, their parents and carers should be aware that:

  • Their role is to listen and note carefully any observations which could indicate abuse
  • They should not attempt to investigate once the initial concern is raised
  • They should involve the Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL) immediately
  • If the DSL is not available, the Deputy DSL, Pastoral Deputy Head, the Headteacher or one of the Child Protection Officers should be contacted
  • Disclosures of abuse or harm from students may be made at any time


Jeanne Fairs – Assistant Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Health and Safety

Gordano School regards the promotion of Health and Safety to be of the utmost importance for all students that attend and adults that work in and visit our school.

It is school policy to ensure that every reasonable step is taken to prevent injury and ill health from hazards at work.  This includes students and visitors to the school whether it is for pursuance of their employment or other activities.

This is approached by:

  • Assessing and controlling risk as part of the day-to-day management of the school
  • Providing and maintaining safe, healthy and secure working conditions, training and instruction so that personnel are able to perform their various tasks safely and efficiently
  • Ensuring that a constant awareness with regard to health and safety at work is maintained in respect of all activities within the school and during out of school activities
  • Periodic review of the safety policy as school activities and the associated risks change

We would ask that you comply with safety procedures, whether written or brought to your attention by other means, for your own protection, protection of those under your supervision and others who may be affected by your actions.

Should you have any concerns relating to any accident/incident, which has led, or could have led to damage or injury, please report your concerns to the member of staff supervising your visit or to the school reception who will inform the Health and Safety Team.

A copy of our Health & Safety Policy can be found here


Gordano School operates a non-smoking policy; this includes the school grounds as well as buildings.

Fire Evacuation

You have a duty of care to protect yourself in the event of a fire. Please see the map below showing the location of the Assembly Point for visitors to the school.  If you feel you would require any additional assistance in an emergency evacuation of the building, please declare this at reception so that we can provide you with a suitable evacuation strategy.

On discovering a fire, you should sound the alarm by operating the nearest break glass point. If you hear the two-tone fire alarm or see one of the flashing light beacons located in some parts of the school, you should leave the building you are in by the nearest identified exit and make your way to the contractors/visitors Fire Assembly Point, located on the External Court Area at the back of the Gym/rear of the school site, Muster Point ‘A’.  Do not attempt to collect belongings from within the building and do not use the lifts unless instructed to do so.  Upon arrival at the Fire Assembly Point, please ask for and register with the member of staff taking visitor registration.  Do not re-enter any of the buildings until the all clear is given.  Fire Wardens will be wearing hi-visibility jackets.

Contractors shall also be informed of and consider:

  • The location of fire-fighting equipment and fire alarm call points in relation to the area of their work
  • Contractors/sub-contractors working on site when school staff are absent i.e. at night or at weekends, shall have adequate arrangements in place and know how to call the fire and emergency services
  • The risk of fire arising out of work undertaken.  Any contractor will be assessed, and appropriate precautionary measures put in place
  • Risks present on site which the contractor needs to be aware of or the risks associated with the area where they will be working/visiting (e.g. asbestos register)

Emergencies – Lockdown

The Lockdown alarm would sound in the event of an unauthorised/unidentified person on site who is perceived to be a threat to the safety of students and staff.  The Lesson Change Alarm will continuously repeat for 3 minutes and then stop. Upon hearing the alarm please follow the instructions of nearby staff or go into a room, lock the door if possible, turn off lights and set your mobile phone to silent mode.  Remain silent and out of sight until the situation has been investigated and the all clear signal sounds. When the lockdown has ended the alarm will continuously repeat for 30 seconds.

Adult Toilet Facilities

Staff toilets are located around the building.  In many cases, accessible facilities are located beside the main toilet areas.  Should you identify a problem with any of our toilet facilities please inform reception.

Security and Car Parking

Please keep briefcases, laptops etc. with you at all times whilst in the building.  Also, keep personal belongings and paperwork safe.  Visitors are advised not to leave valuables in their cars.  If this is unavoidable then please lock valuables out of sight in the boot.

Users of car parks on this site do so at their own risk.  Gordano School will not accept liability for damage, loss or accident to any vehicles or the contents thereof, including incidents involving the school gates.

First Aid

The school has a number of trained First Aiders on site during school hours, should you require their assistance.  Should you have an accident whilst on site you must report it to Main Reception so that it can be documented. 


These are managed by Gordano School Community Trust, 01275-843942. Persons hiring the premises, or part of, will ensure that they have received the lettings policy, are aware of emergency procedures and there has been a two-way share of information i.e. contact arrangements, risk assessments.

Stuart Rossiter - Assistant Head (H&S Coordinator & Advisor)
Gordano School, St Mary’s Road, Portishead, North Somerset, BS20 7QR  01275 842606