Gordano School Accredited as an Area of Excellence for Inclusion as a Whole School Ethos

Gordano School is proud to announce that following participation in a Challenge Partners Quality Assurance Review, it has been accredited as an Area of Excellence for Inclusion, with leaders being recognised for their commitment to their moral vision of inclusive education.
The Learning Hub, The Nurture Hub, work experience opportunities and access to external programs were core areas identified as tailoring provision to individual needs to ensure that all students can succeed, as were tailored intervention plans and support strategies implemented by knowledgeable staff.
Challenge Partners said of Gordano inclusion that: ‘Emotional support, counselling and guidance, and pastoral care have created a safe and supportive environment. The mental health pathway, and focus upon physical health and social skills, have improved student wellbeing.’
The Challenge Partners review is a peer review involving senior leaders from other schools in the national partnership, focusing on School Improvement Strategies, Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment and Outcomes for Pupils.
In addition to their accreditation for excellence in inclusion, Gordano School was praised for its expectations for all being combined with a warm and positive ethos which ‘permeates the whole school’. Resilience and teamwork are emphasised, along with positive attitudes to others, and the successful promotion and cultivation of values such as kindness, respect, and personal organisation.
During the review, students talked about how much help and support they get in and outside the classroom including the extensive pastoral support on offer and within the SEND provision. ‘Students feel listened to and cared for, which makes it easier for them to learn.’ The house system was also recognised for fostering a strong sense of belonging and community, creating a ‘family approach in a large school’.
Staff were praised for being ‘experts in their specific field’ with Challenge Partners citing them as ‘extremely knowledgeable professionals’ and the peer mentoring programme where Year 11 students support Year 8 students was highlighted as a ‘powerful example of students promoting a real sense of community’.
Gordano School works extremely hard on its Student Leadership Programme and Sixth form students were commended for taking a lead role in the school community, such as editing the excellent ‘Griffin’ school magazine which all students have the opportunity to read during tutor time.
Transition was described as ‘strong’, as were personalised interventions based on thorough analysis of student data, and ‘provisions which are continually adapted to meet each student's evolving needs’.
Pupils in Challenge Partner schools are shown to achieve more and progress faster than the national average and sharing innovative practice quickly to schools across the country through this scheme helps ensure the most effective support reaches more of the students in greatest need.
Gordano School believes in continual improvement, collaboration and self-reflection to secure the best outcomes for students which is why we joined Challenge Partners many years ago. We are delighted with this recognition and feel that the report reflects the high quality of teaching and learning provided here for our students.
Louise Blundell, Headteacher
Director of Secondary Education, Natalie Wilcox said: “Currently all secondary schools within Lighthouse Schools Partnership use and value the Challenge Partners Peer Review as part of their school improvement plans. The visiting professionals from schools across the country provided a real challenge to the leadership team and their feedback was so useful. This Area of Excellence Accreditation for Gordano School is a fantastic achievement, and they can be very proud of what they have accomplished. We know that the school will continue to develop and improve its provision for all pupils and this recognition shows the school’s commitment is having positive impacts on pupils.”
The full report can be found here